
On stage in Anna in the Tropics as Santiago at_THE JUNGLE THEATER_Minneapolis, MN

On stage in Anna in the Tropics as Santiago at_THE JUNGLE THEATER_Minneapolis, MN


my story as an actor…

..began as a young child in imitating my favorite silver screen actors’ voices; Boris Karloff, Bella Lugosi, James Cagney just to name a few. I continued by following these stars and others in the countless movies I watched growing up, taking note of their characters and guessing where they would end up in the story. It was my favorite activity growing up. More serious play came as I attended my first acting class as a junior in undergraduate school. Yes, I was hooked after just a few college productions.

As a graduating art major in ceramics, I needed to quickly find a real job. Then came graduate school in ceramics and happy marriage with two children to follow and I almost lost site of this very intense need to find my place in the theatrical arts. With one child graduated and the second nearing the same I returned to my first love…So herein lies the second beginning for me.

Watch for the character.